Changing How I Offer Astrology and Health Readings
“You must not ever give anyone else the responsibility for your life.”
Happy Labor Day weekend! Mother Earth is certainly letting us know that it’s still very much summer here in Northern California.
Big changes are underfoot, and I have a lot to share with you today, which is why I'm going to make this communication available in both written and video form. I hope you'll take the time to read/listen, as it pertains to big changes in how I work with people now and in the future.
Feel free to watch the video below, or you can scroll past the video to read about how and why I am changing the way I offer readings. It’s all for the best, and I’m excited about how I use my gifts to serve you all moving forward.
It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since my transformational Divinely Inspired interview with astrology icon Pam Gregory (link), an interview that catapulted me into a world of service through the languages of the cosmos.
In the busy weeks that followed the interview, I learned many important lessons:
Astrology readings have the potential to touch our hearts deeply because they validate what we know in our soul to be innately true about ourselves, our gifts, and our medicine in the world.
Astrology readings can be overwhelming for both the giver and the recipient because of the sheer amount of information that is communicated.
While incredibly valuable, an astrology reading can also leave us a little disoriented, as we assimilate the information and wonder how to implement it practically.
Understanding our natal chart and divine astrological blueprint can give us important tools to integrate the wholeness of who we are while also supporting our natural rhythms, which then leads to better health and well-being. Being out of sync with our natural rhythm is exhausting!
An astrology reading can be a beautiful energetic exchange between two souls on their life’s journeys, more so when the recipient of the reading receives consistent support and guidance in the weeks and months after the reading. Once we open Pandora's box into the magic of who we are in this life, it can be impossible to go back to the status quo.
These lessons and more are why I started focusing my time and energy on offering more integrative astrology and health programs and packages versus “one off” readings. These programs offer us a much more spacious container to work together in a gentle rhythm of ease and flow.
Beautiful being, it’s time to let you know that I am phasing out the “one off” reading – where you book or reading, have the reading, and then ride off into the sunset – and creating more holistic offerings for transformation and healing. But don't panic! I've got your back. Keep reading.
The times right now are incredibly uncertain. The astrology for the next four months certainly has my attention! In fact, I would say the astrology for the rest of 2022 is even more intense than it was at the beginning of 2022, and that's saying a lot. We are going to be pulled in every direction and feeling stuck at the same time. Life will at times look like a time-lapse video of a bad traffic jam, while at other points we’ll feel like we’re dodging cosmic bullets. Holding steadfast to our inner truths and outer rhythms will be critical to our evolution as individuals and the collective.
Therefore, as I phase out offering astrology readings in the old style, I want to offer you one last opportunity to book an astrology and health reading with me. After September 25, 2022, these kinds of readings will no longer be available, as I focus on offering readings as part of more intensive and integrative programs and platforms.
When you book a reading with me before September 25, you will get the following:
A 75- or 100-minute astrology and health reading, where we explore where you are on your soul’s path, your natural rhythms as indicated by your chart and how to support those rhythms, and how to show up for what the world and the astrology are asking of you in the coming months.
A 20-minute follow up Q&A session 4-6 weeks after the reading, where you can ask questions about the reading and what has arisen for you since. These Q&A sessions are included in the cost of the reading.
The cost of your reading can be applied to any of my programs that you join within 60 days of your reading.
Please note, there will be a limited number of appointments available.
Beautiful being, our world may seem like it’s in crisis right now, but the cosmos knows better. Allow me to support who you are and how you are moving through the world so that you can thrive as your best and whole self.
You deserve nothing less.
I love you,